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Your Skin Care Routine Could Be Ruining Your Makeup

Do you ever have those moments when your skin feels heavy or do your pores feel ultra clogged while wearing makeup? The reasoning behind this could be because you're not properly protecting your skin before applying makeup. Most people believe that all they need is a good primer to have a flawless makeup finish.  However, that’s not the case, but it’s a start.  We all know that I believe that skin care is the best care, and without proper care your skin can be left feeling like “ugh.” Don’t worry, I will give you some tips to keep your skin looking good and your makeup application much smoother.


The first tip is to figure out your skin type.  Knowing your skin type will help you find the best products for your base as well as what type of primer you will need. For example, oily skin and sensitive skin would benefit from a gel based moisturizer.  One simple way to find out your skin type is by cleansing your face.  The only difference is you will not add a moisturizer, because you want to be able to see your results without added protection.  If your skin starts to produce oil all over your face within 2 hours of cleansing, you may have oily skin.  You can also tell you have oily skin if you have large pores scattered throughout your face.  Combination skin tends to develop oil deposits around 4 hours post-cleansing. These oil deposits tend to be in the t-zone area of the face in combination with dry areas. Dry skin tends to feel tight after cleansing, and the skin might have dry patches or areas of roughness.  If this is confusing or you don't want to take this route, you could always visit your local esthetician to find out your skin type. 

After figuring out our skin type, it’s time to protect your skin.  I highly recommend using a serum, moisturizer, and SPF combo.  An SPF is only needed during the day, so this is somewhat optional.  A good serum and moisturizer will not only help your makeup glide smoother, it also helps to protect your skin from the harm makeup can cause to your skin.  Depending on the serum you choose, it will add a surplus of nutrients, like hyaluronic acid, to your skin much faster.  Always put the serum on first after cleansing and toning and allow your skin to soak up the product.  Then, put on your moisturizer, and SPF goes last if you’re going out during the day. Now you have the holy trinity of protection before applying your makeup primer.  

Enjoy your glow boo!

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